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I finally have a P.O. Box!

I have a really fun announcement today! After half a year of believing that getting mail in Cambodia is near impossible, and many conversations with my Khmer friends and other expats who say it's not actually as bad as we've been told, we volunteers pooled our Riel and bought ourselves a P.O. Box in Phnom Penh. Want to start sending us letters/small packages/post cards (smaller items sent at your own risk - because, well, it's still the Cambodian post system)? Here's the address:

Jessica Moes P.O. BOX 3104 P.P. CAMBODIA. Post Code 12000 Tel: 012475962 CAMBODIA Because we had to set up the P.O. Box outside of the program (with our own cash and under one of our passports), the P.O. Box ended up in my name. But if you are a parent or friend of another Cambodian YAGM and want to send them mail, please use this same addresss. Just write "Your YAGM's Name c/o Jessica Moes" as the addressee.

YAGMs may be able to access this P.O. Box on random weekends while they are in Phnom Penh (according to their schedule), but estimated pick up dates for me are early February, late March, mid-May, and before my departure in July.

Let the great postal experiement begin!

It's the closest thing I had to a photo of someone writing a letter, haha.


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